Information Technology

IT Program
The Information Technology Program, leading to a B.Sc. in Information Technology, is an undergraduate program designed to meet the explosive growth in the IT field. The program offers strong opportunities for learning and development. It aims to prepare students to adapt and contribute to this continually evolving discipline, addressing the growing demand in the job market. Students will learn how to plan, design, and optimize software and hardware systems. This major provides students with a solid foundation in programming languages, software development, and graphic design.
Software and Hardware Development: The program aims to equip students with the skills to plan, design, and optimize software and hardware systems, preparing them to meet the increasing demands of the IT industry.
Programming Skills Development: Students will be provided with extensive knowledge in programming languages, focusing on software development that aligns with the latest technologies and practices.
Graphic Design: The program offers a strong foundation in graphic design, enabling students to develop skills in modern user interface and user experience design.
Continuous Professional Development: The program is committed to continuously enhancing students’ skills, ensuring they stay updated with the rapid innovations and developments in the field.
Market-Ready Preparation: The program focuses on equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the demands of the job market in IT, including design, programming, and comprehensive development of IT systems.
The curriculum is designed to meet the growing demands of the IT job market, focusing on providing students with the technical knowledge and skills required. The program encourages students to think critically and learn independently while emphasizing the importance of integrated software and hardware design. We ensure that students develop their skills in programming languages, software development, and graphic design, preparing them to succeed in a competitive job market.
By achieving the specified outcomes in our curriculum, graduates of the B.Sc. in Information Technology Program will be equipped with the practical knowledge and skills necessary for careers in programming, software development, and graphic design