The Board of Regents is the highest level of authority at Sub-Saharan University College, developing and overseeing all the policies and operations procedures. It is responsible for approving the College annual budget, adding degree programs and constructions.

Dr. Alsadig Al Khalaffalla
Chairman of Board of Regent.
Dr. Al Khalafalla is a public policy specialist and an expert on Middle Eastern affairs. He was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Humpty Dumpty Institute in 2015 after serving for two years as a Director of HDI. Dr. Khalafalla was unanimously appointed based his proven record of leadership and international accomplishments.
Prior to joining HDI, Dr. Khalafalla held numerous leadership and board positions. These include President of American Global Institute (AGI), President of the Board of Directors of the Virginia Institute of Peace and IBN Cultural Center, and Vice Chair of A More Perfect Union at the University of Richmond. In addition, he served/serves on a number of the boards of educational institutions in Virginia.
Dr. Khalafalla has been recognized not only as a leader in public policy and cross-cultural dialogue, but also as an advocate for international peace. He received a prestigious Humanitarian Award from the Governor of Virginia in 2009 for his international humanitarian endeavors. Dr. Khalafalla’s humanitarian and interfaith initiatives have been recognized by the University of Louisiana, the Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Bahrain, and the University of Richmond. On October 22nd, 2012, Dr. Khalafalla was honored by the U.S.
Congress for organizing a successful Congressional Delegations to the Middle East which increased dialogue and engagement in this strategically important region.
He regularly appears in the media and has delivered keynote addresses before Bahrain
International Symposium, the International Law and Religion Symposium, and diverse audiences across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Dr. Khalafalla’s opinion pieces have been published in the Daily Caller, Washington Times, Fox News, the Tribune, and Alayam, among others. He is also frequently called on to comment on Africa and the Middle East on broadcast
media, including Alhurra, NBC, and al-Jazeera.
He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Louisiana, an MBA from University of Maryland System, and a PhD in Public Policy and Administration from Virginia
Commonwealth University.
Dr. Khalafalla is author or co-author of a number of studies and articles on immigration, the Middle East, international relations, interfaith dialogue and religious tolerance. He is married and has two children.

Dr. Suliman A Giddo Ph.D.
Founder and President
Dr. Suliman A Giddo, he worked at Qatar Foundation at the Department of Disaster and Crisis Management. Before that he worked at the Department of Strategic Planning at The Ministry of Interior in Qatar. Before that he worked as a Political Advisor for the government of South Sudan – a contractor for the State Department. Additionally, he has worked as Consultant for the UA-UN joint mission for Darfur, where he drafted two peace protocols, for Internal Displaced Person returns and victims compensations which were signed and became a part of Darfur Peace Agreement. Dr. Suliman A Giddo; Graduated from University of Khartoum with B.Sc in Business Administration, Post graduate Studies in Humanitarian and Emergency Management from Fordham University in NY, Master of Science in Management from Strayer University in Richmond; Post graduate studies in Strategic planning from Stanford University in CA and Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution form George Mason University.
Prior to that he founded and led Darfur Peace and Development a USA based organization with offices in Sudan- Darfur and Chad. Working intensely with the Board of Directors and donors, he was able to support over 120,000 Students affected by the war in Darfur and Eastern Chad through the Schools Project. Thousands of women benefited from the income generation project, as well as youth and elderly men. Most importantly, he directed Darfur Atrocities Documentation Project. He hosted over 200 peace and reconciliation workshops and conferences over the last 10 years in several venues – in USA, Italy, UK, Kenya, Chad, Doha and Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan with an intention to bring peace in Sudan. He served as the Chairman for the Disaster Management at American Red Cross in the Virginia, USA. And as General Manager for Gulf Group in United Arab Emirates as well as his work in UAE Government.
His concerns and interest in education started in the early 1970’s when his father took him to school at 6 years old. The closest school was 86 miles away from his village and he had to walk. However, with determination and perseverance he made it to the level where he stands today. His commitment to the Sudanese people has led him to pay back his community by establishing Sub-Saharan College.
Dr. Giddo was selected by Washington Magazine (2000-2010) as top 100 influential and famous individuals in the world in the humanitarian field.

Professor Bani is a Community Physician with extensive experience in Global Health in developing countries.
Dr Bani is a public health physician by training with over 15 years experience in International Public Health. His teaching experience is extensive, including faculty appointments as an Assistant and Associate Professor (Community Health) at King Saud University, and as a lecturer at Gazera Medical School, which is internationally recognized for its innovative community-based training. During his tenure at those academic institutions, he participated in many national training programs sponsored by WHO, USAID, and national governments of Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Iraq. In addition, he also worked as an adjunct Professor at the International Health Department at George Washington University, USA and visiting Professor /Community Health at the American University Beirut. Dr. Bani was Professor of Community Medicine, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia. He is the reviewer for 2 Journals: Saudi Medical Journal and Section Editor for Tropical Medicine Reports Journal. Dr Bani is currently an adjunct Professor at Global Health Department, Rollins School of Public Health Emory University, USA.
Dr. Bani’s International experience is also extensive, including association with the Micronutrient Initiative (MI), World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, USAID, WFP and UN Humanitarian Mission. During his association with United Nations as International Health Observer he monitored and evaluated ongoing health programs in Iraq. During and after the recent Iraq war, Dr. Bani was the epidemiologist for South Iraq. He also worked with WHO as a consultant to evaluate regional management training programs in the Middle East and North Africa Region, and recently joined a WHO consultative group for developing Public Health Leadership and Networking. He has been a Professional Associate with the Institute of International Programs (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health) as a technical reviewer to assess Child Survival Programs funded by USAID. He was also been associated with UNHCR, to evaluate Health Manpower Needs for Ethiopian Refugee Camps in Sudan.
Academic Credentials:
Fellowship in Health Policy and Management The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health U.S.A.1989
Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Royal College of Physicians, London, U.K.1984
Ph.D. in Human Nutrition University of Surrey Guilford, England, U.K.1984
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MD) Khartoum Medical School, Sudan 1977

Abdelrahman Bushara Dosa
PhD (University of Khartoum)
Dr. Dosa, a graduate of University of Khartoum, Sudan (1967) has served in the position of Director General of Agriculture for Greater Darfur Region of Sudan (1981-1982), then he became the Regional Minister of Agriculture for Greater Darfur from 1982 to 1985. Afterwards Dr. Dosa was elected to become the president of the Board of Directors of one of the largest World Bank funded development projects (the Savanna Project) in Western Sudan (1986-1989). Starting 1990 Dr. Dosa joined the field of University Education as a Professor of Microbiology. He continued teaching science in several Sudanese Universities for over 24 years. Within that capacity he served in positions as head or member of several college examination and research boards as well as in many academic and administrative college committee activities.
In 1976 Dr. Dosa was involved in graduate studies in American universities for master’s and doctoral degrees which were accomplished in December 1981. A major part of his PhD graduate research was devoted to the study of human and animal pathogens in the US National Animal Disease Center, Ames IA. Besides his scientific orientation, Dr. Dosa is committed to social and peace issues. He continues to play an active role in supporting every peace effort relevant to the Darfur conflict. He participated as a mediator in the Darfur peace talks at Doha , Qatar (2012). He was a member of the Kenana Peace Initiative efforts in Sudan. During 2010 and 2011 Dr. Dosa effectively participated in the Heidelberg Darfur Peace Dialogue organized by the Max Plank Institute for International Peace in Germany. A comprehensive detailed peace and development document was produced, but it was not embraced by the Sudanese authorities.
Dr. Dosa’s interest also extends to humanitarian initiatives and NGO’s helping hand efforts. He served as a board member of the Sudanese Popular Development Organization (SPDO) which emotionally and culturally supported the war affected displaced people of Darfur. He also served as a deputy president of the Darfur Development Advisory Group (DDAG) which was involved in promotion of livelihood, wellbeing of the displaced people and early recovery and development of the war-torn Darfur. He is a member of the American Society of Microbiology and the Sudanese Environmental Preservation Association. Dr. Dosa is a passionate family man, son of the late Sultan Dosa; the Chief of a Native Tribal Administration in Darfur. He enjoys reading history books, watching horse races and basketball games in his leisure time.

Prof. Musa Adam Abdul-Jalil
(B. Sc. Honours, Khartoum), (Ph.D., Edinburgh) University of Khartoum
Professor and previous head (2007-2013) of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Khartoum. He was also Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs (2013-2015) of the Faculty of Economic & Social Studies at the same university. He has 38 years’ experience of university teaching in Sudan and Saudi Arabia during which time he taught more than ten basic and specialised courses in Sociology and Social Anthropology at the undergraduate level and more than six courses at the postgraduate level.
Dr. Musa has conducted research on diverse topics (particularly on Darfur) including migration, ethnicity, conflict, peace-building, customary land tenure and pastoralism. He has carried out various consultancy work in collaboration with national and international researchers; and participated as an expert in many advisory panels and committees. Active in Darfur civil society advocacy matters and participated in the Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue which produced a document that became the basis for the “Doha Document for Peace in Darfur”. He later contributed with a UNDP lead group of experts to produce the “Darfur Development Strategy” document that was presented to the Donor Conference on Darfur in Doha (April 2013).
His articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and reports on various topics related to his favoured areas of research. Dr. Musa’s recent published works include an edited book with Manzoul Assal: Past, present and future: Fifty years of anthropology in Sudan. Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2015. He has also published and co-authored a book chapter with Zahir Abdel-Kareem: “Contested Land Rights and Conflicts in Mornei (West Darfur): Scarcity of Resources or Crises of Governance?” in Casciarri, B. et al. Multi-dimensional change in the Sudan 1989-2011: reshaping livelihoods, conflicts and identities (2015).

Dr. Budereldein Omer Elhaj Musa

Prof. Mohamed AlTiyb
African International University

Dr. Abubakr M.J. Siam
Dr. Abubakr M.J. Siam
Associate Professor of Forestry & Natural Environment Department of Forestry and Range Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources, University of Al Fashir, Sudan
Academic Qualifications
– Ph.D. Forestry and Natural Environment (Tree Ecophysiology) – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece2006 .
– M.Sc. Forestry- University of Juba, Sudan 2001.
– B.Sc. (Class Two- Division One) in Natural Resources & Environmental Studies (Forestry)- University of Juba, Sudan 1995.
Administrative working experiences:
·Dean, College of Graduate Studies, University of Al Fashir, August 2018 up to date
·Dean of Academic Affairs, University of Al Fashir since July 2017 to August 2018
·Director of International Relations, University of Al Fashir March 2016 up to June 2018
·Deputy Dean for Scientific Research, College of Graduate studies and scientific research, University of Al-Fashir, September 2013 to March 2016.
·Dean Faculty of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources (FESNR) from December 2008 to February 2013
·Coordinator of graduate studies, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of ُAl-Fashir, August 2007- February 2009.
·Head Department of Forestry and Range Sciences, University of Al Fashir 2001 -2002.
· Assistant, Dean of Academic Affairs for Statistics and Information, University of Al Fashir, April to December 2002.
– Published 13 scientific papers in refereed scientific journals
– Presented more than 15 papers and reports in local and internal conferees & workshop
Joseph Merante
Executive Director HDI
Joseph Merante is responsible for Manageing HDI,s strategic relations with the US government, including the US Congress, the United Nations and its affiliated agencies.
Prior to joining Humpty Dumpty Mr. Marnate was a career Foreign Services Officer with the US Department of State. He served in Europe, Africa and Asia and at the United Nations.
His domestic assignments included both European Affairs and public Diplomacy. Mr. Marnate last post was Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Vatican.
Mr. Mernate holds a B.A in political science from Fordham University, a Master of International Affairs from Colombia University and a Master in Resource Management form the National Defense University