
Sub-Saharan University College is offering a sense of lifelong connections. Students admitted to Sub-Saharan University College come from different states in Sudan and across Africa, representing different culture, and experiences. Our optimal goal is to serve our community in Darfur, Sudan and Africa at large to meet rapidly changing in technology and job market.

Undergraduate Admission
In this year 2018 about 310 undergraduate students will be admitted into Business Administration and information Technology programs, and over 600 students for associated degrees on applied accounting, information technology and computer networking programs. Their applications are to be reviewed with an intention for academic excellences and development of intellectual skills in their prospective specialties. All applications are to be filtered by the Ministry of Higher Education in Sudan.Â
Up to 10% of students will receive full or partial scholarship, depending on their families’ income. Priorities are given to orphans. However, Sub-Saharan University College is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all applicants and career seekers.   Â

Alternative Pathway to Success
Distance Learning ( will come soon) our intention is to give opportunities for others to grow through our distance learning program.

We understand that some students might need to leave the College for personal reasons. We encourage students to share difficulties with the Student Affairs Office.  Students must submit a letter of request and fulfill all requirements for remittance when seeking readmission after absences of one year or longer.

Medical Record
SSC will provide all admitted students with a Medical Record Form to be completed by SSC Physician before the registration. Students shall return the completed form to the registration office on or before the due dates. Each student shall obtain valid health insurance.